import UIKit class ViewController: UIViewController, UITextFieldDelegate, UITextViewDelegate, UIWebViewDelegate { //, UIAlertViewDelegate, UIActionSheetDelegate //使用alertcontroller实现alert与actionsheet @ 对应的委托协议就不需要了 //Outlet 输出口 @IBOutlet weak var label: UILabel! @IBOutlet weak var leftSwich: UISwitch! @IBOutlet weak var rightSwitch: UISwitch! @IBOutlet weak var slider: UISlider! @IBOutlet weak var txtField: UITextField!//需要指向 故事板的 View Controller @IBOutlet weak var textView: UITextView!//需要指向 故事板的 View Controller @IBOutlet weak var webView: UIWebView!//需要指向 故事板的 View Controller @IBOutlet weak var imgView: UIImageView! @IBOutlet weak var myActivityIndecatorView: UIActivityIndicatorView!//loading...相当于网页中的gif菊花 @IBOutlet weak var myprogressView: UIProgressView! var myTimer = Timer()//定时器 //Button 按钮 @IBAction func onclick(_ sender: UIButton) { //根据button的tag判断要执行的操作 switch sender.tag { case 1: self.textout(text: "Button Swift Code") case 2: self.textout(text: "Button PHP Code") case 5: self.textout(text: "Webview Load Html") self.imgView.isHidden = true//隐藏图片 //得到index.html物理路径,根路径 let htmlPash = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "index", ofType: "html") //得到lao.html的目录物理路劲 let bundleURL = NSURL.fileURL(withPath: Bundle.main.bundlePath) //读取本地HTML文件为字符串 尾部有throws需要处理异常 let htmlString = try? NSString.init(contentsOfFile: htmlPash!, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue) //loadHTMLString 为加载本地html字符串 self.webView.loadHTMLString(htmlString as! String, baseURL: bundleURL) case 6: self.textout(text: "Webview Load Data") self.imgView.isHidden = true//隐藏图片 //得到data.html物理路径,根路径 let htmlPash = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "data", ofType: "html") //得到lao.html的目录物理路劲 let bundleURL = NSURL.fileURL(withPath: Bundle.main.bundlePath) //读取本地HTML到Data里 let htmlData = try? NSData.init(contentsOfFile: htmlPash!, options: NSData.ReadingOptions.uncached) //load为 loadData方式加载(二进制)数据 self.webView.load(htmlData as! Data, mimeType: "text/html", textEncodingName: "UTF-8", baseURL: bundleURL) case 7: self.textout(text: "Webview Load Request") self.imgView.isHidden = true//隐藏图片 //设置访问资源 - 百度搜索 let url = URL(string: "https://www.baidu.com/")//只能https,http当前版本做了限制 //建立网络请求 let request = URLRequest(url: url!) //加载网络请求 webView.loadRequest(request) case 10: self.textout(text: "imageView This is my son !") self.imgView.isHidden = false//显示图片 case 11: /let alertView = UIAlertView()//alert弹框,系统会提示 ios9.0 UIAlertView 会被 UIAlertController 代替 alertView.title = "System Message" alertView.message = "This is test alert !" alertView.addButton(withTitle: "no") alertView.addButton(withTitle: "yes") alertView.cancelButtonIndex = 0//设置取消按钮的索引 alertView.delegate = self//委托协议 alertView.show()*/ //UIAlertController 方式实现 alert 且无需委托协议 @ UIAlertControllerStyle.alert let alertcontroller = UIAlertController(title: "System Message", message: "This is test alert !", preferredStyle: UIAlertControllerStyle.alert)//实例化UIAlertController & 调用构造方法 alertcontroller.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "no", style: UIAlertActionStyle.cancel, handler: { (alert) in self.textout(text: "Alert Click on no !")//添加cancel按钮 })) alertcontroller.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "yes", style: UIAlertActionStyle.default, handler: { (alert) in self.textout(text: "Alert Click on yes !")//添加default按钮 })) self.present(alertcontroller, animated: true, completion: { self.textout(text: "Alert show")//提出 UIAlertController }) case 12: /let actionSheet = UIActionSheet(title: "Test ActionSheet", delegate: self, cancelButtonTitle: "cancel", destructiveButtonTitle: "destructive!!!")//ActionSheet表操作,系统会提示 ios9.0 UIActionSheet 会被 UIAlertController 代替 actionSheet.actionSheetStyle = UIActionSheetStyle.default//设置 UIActionSheet 的样式 actionSheet.cancelButtonIndex = 1//设置取消按钮的索引 actionSheet.destructiveButtonIndex = 0//设置destructive的索引值 actionSheet.addButton(withTitle: "Button one")//添加其他按钮的标题 actionSheet.addButton(withTitle: "Button two")//添加其他按钮的标题 actionSheet.buttonTitle(at: 1)//设置按钮标题的索引 actionSheet.show(in: self.view)//显示到 self.view 上*/ //UIAlertController 方式实现 ActionSheet 且无需委托协议 @ UIAlertControllerStyle.actionSheet let alertcontroller = UIAlertController(title: "Test ActionSheet title", message: "Test ActionSheet message", preferredStyle: UIAlertControllerStyle.actionSheet)//实例化UIAlertController & 调用构造方法 alertcontroller.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "destructive!!!", style: UIAlertActionStyle.destructive, handler: { (alert) in self.textout(text: "ActionSheet Click on destructive !")//添加destructive按钮 })) alertcontroller.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "cancel", style: UIAlertActionStyle.cancel, handler: { (alert) in self.textout(text: "ActionSheet Click on cancel !")//添加cancel按钮 })) alertcontroller.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "button one", style: UIAlertActionStyle.default, handler: { (alert) in self.textout(text: "ActionSheet Click on button one !")//添加default按钮 })) alertcontroller.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "button two", style: UIAlertActionStyle.default, handler: { (alert) in self.textout(text: "ActionSheet Click on button two !")//添加default按钮 })) self.present(alertcontroller, animated: true, completion: { self.textout(text: "ActionSheet show")//提出 UIAlertController }) default: break } } //Switch 开关 @IBAction func switchValueChanged(_ sender: UISwitch) { let switchIsOn: Bool = sender.isOn//当前swicth状态 leftSwich.setOn(switchIsOn, animated: true)//设置swicth状态 rightSwitch.setOn(switchIsOn, animated: true)//设置swicth状态 self.switchLabel(switchis: switchIsOn)//显示文字到label self.slider.isHidden = !switchIsOn//隐藏slider } //Slider 滑块 @IBAction func sliderValueChanged(_ sender: Any) { //强制转换为UISlider @ 其实不用,在连接的时候给定类型为 UISlider就可以 let sliderObj = sender as! UISlider let newText = String(format: "%.0f", sliderObj.value)//String方法,截取小数 ,sliderObj.value当前slider的值 self.textout(text: "Slider Number: \(newText)") } //segmented 分段 @IBAction func touchValueChanged(_ sender: Any) { let touchObj = sender as! UISegmentedControl//强制转换为UISlider @ 其实用,在连接的时候给定类型为 UISegmentedControl就可以 let selectedSegmentIndex = touchObj.selectedSegmentIndex//被点击segment的索引 let selectdSegmentText = touchObj.titleForSegment(at: touchObj.selectedSegmentIndex) ?? "Red"//被点击segment的text switch selectedSegmentIndex { case 0: touchObj.tintColor = UIColor.red//设置颜色而已 label.textColor = UIColor.red//label颜色 case 1: touchObj.tintColor = UIColor.blue label.textColor = UIColor.blue case 2: touchObj.tintColor = UIColor.black label.textColor = UIColor.black case 3: touchObj.tintColor = UIColor.green label.textColor = UIColor.green case 4: touchObj.tintColor = UIColor.yellow label.textColor = UIColor.yellow default: break } self.textout(text: "Segmented Color: \(selectdSegmentText)") } //navigation 导航栏 button item @IBAction func navigationitem(_ sender: UIBarButtonItem) { switch sender.tag { case 5: self.textout(text: "Navigation save") case 6: self.textout(text: "Navigation add") default: break } } //toolbar 工具栏的 button item @IBAction func onclickBarButtonitem(_ sender: UIBarButtonItem) { switch sender.tag { case 1: self.textout(text: "Toolbar mysql") case 2: self.textout(text: "Toolbar mongdb") case 3: self.textout(text: "Toolbar oracle") case 4: self.textout(text: "Toolbar sqlserver") default: break } } //textField 单行文本输入框 [以下为协议委托的方法实现...] //开始输入时 func textFieldShouldBeginEditing(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool { self.textout(text: "TextField BeginEditing") return true } //结束输入时 func textFieldDidEndEditing(_ textField: UITextField, reason: UITextFieldDidEndEditingReason) { self.textout(text: "TextField EndEditing") } //按回车时 func textFieldShouldReturn(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool { self.textout(text: "TextField Return") //textField.resignFirstResponder()//放弃第一响应者的方式,关闭键盘 textView.becomeFirstResponder()//让textView 成为第一响应者 return true } //textView 多行文本(非控件)[以下为协议委托的方法实现...] //开时输入时 func textViewShouldBeginEditing(_ textView: UITextView) -> Bool { self.textout(text: "TextView BeginEditing") return true } //当文本改变时 func textView(_ textView: UITextView, shouldChangeTextIn range: NSRange, replacementText text: String) -> Bool { self.textout(text: "TextView Change") if text == "\n" { textView.resignFirstResponder()//放弃第一响应者的方式,关闭键盘 } return true } //webView 加载http [以下为协议委托的方法实现...] //准备加载 func webView(_ webView: UIWebView, shouldStartLoadWith request: URLRequest, navigationType: UIWebViewNavigationType) -> Bool { self.textout(text: "WebView shouldStartLoadWith") self.myActivityIndecatorView.startAnimating()//indicator 开转 self.myprogressView.progress = 0.3//准备加载时,progress 值为0.3 return true } //开始加载 func webViewDidStartLoad(_ webView: UIWebView) { self.textout(text: "WebView webViewDidStartLoad") self.myTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 0.05, target: self, selector: #selector(getter: UIPreviewAction.handler), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)//定时器调用,每隔0.05秒点用一次handler方法,repeats: true为是否重复调用 } //加载完成 func webViewDidFinishLoad(_ webView: UIWebView) { self.textout(text: "WebView webViewDidFinishLoad") self.myActivityIndecatorView.stopAnimating()//indicator 停转 } //加载错误 func webView(_ webView: UIWebView, didFailLoadWithError error: Error) { self.textout(text: "WebView didFailLoadWithError") if self.myActivityIndecatorView.isAnimating {//如果在转 self.myActivityIndecatorView.stopAnimating()//停转 } } //alertView 获取按钮索引进行操作 [以下为协议委托的方法实现...] @ 已使用alertcontroller实现 /func alertView(_ alertView: UIAlertView, clickedButtonAt buttonIndex: Int) { //系统会提示 ios9.0 UIAlertView 会被 UIAlertController 代替 if buttonIndex == 0 { self.textout(text: "Click on no !") }else if buttonIndex == 1 { self.textout(text: "Click on yes !") } }*/ //actionsheet 表操作 [以下为协议委托的方法实现...] @ 已使用alertcontroller实现 /func actionSheet(_ actionSheet: UIActionSheet, clickedButtonAt buttonIndex: Int) { //系统会提示 ios9.0 UIActionSheet 会被 UIAlertController 代替 if buttonIndex == 0 { self.textout(text: "Click on destructive !") }else if buttonIndex == 1 { self.textout(text: "Click on cancel !") }else if buttonIndex == 2 { self.textout(text: "Click on button one !") }else if buttonIndex == 3 { self.textout(text: "Click on button two !") } }*/ //viewWillAppear 中可注册事件通知 override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) { super.viewWillAppear(animated) //NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardWillShow 键盘打开通知 NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(keyBoardDidShow(notification:)),name: NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardWillShow, object: nil) //NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardWillHide 键盘关闭通知 NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(keyBoardWillHide(notification:)),name:NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardWillHide, object: nil) } //viewWillDisappear 中可注销事件通知 override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) { super.viewWillDisappear(animated) //注销键盘打开通知 NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self,name: NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardWillShow, object: nil) //注销键盘关闭通知 NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self,name: NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardWillHide, object: nil) } //My Func //显示label文本 func textout(text: String) { label.text = "【 \(text) 】" } //switch开关显示文修的 func switchLabel(switchis: Bool) { if switchis { self.textout(text: "SwitchLabel Full Open") }else{ self.textout(text: "SwitchLabel Full Close") } } //键盘的通知 打开和关闭 日志 func keyBoardDidShow(notification: Notification){ print("键盘打开") } func keyBoardWillHide(notification: Notification){ print("键盘关闭") } //progress 使用 timer 模拟进度显示 func handler(){ self.myprogressView.progress = self.myprogressView.progress + 0.02 if self.myprogressView.progress == 1 { self.myTimer.invalidate()//关闭Timer //self.myTimer = nil //据说说可以清内存,但会报错 @ 未解决 } } //================================================================================== //System Func override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() //使用swift创建imageViews 加载一张图片 /let imageViews = UIImageView(image:UIImage(named:"ZSY")) imageViews.frame = CGRect(x:60, y:391, width:297, height:312) self.imageView = imageViews//赋值到类属性 self.view.addSubview(imageViews)*/ self.imgView.image = UIImage(named: "cjt")//加载图片 // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. } override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() { super.didReceiveMemoryWarning() // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated. } }